Usability Tests Issues in Community Edition

Usability Tests and Feature Flags Issues in Community Edition


  • OpenReplay Version: Community Edition
  • Deployment: Self-hosted
  • Client Version: v1.25.0
  • Kustomize Version: v4.5.7
  • Server Version: v1.25.6+k3s1

Issues Description

Usability Tests Not Working

Server Response Issue

The server returns features as disabled despite being enabled in UI:

    "features": {
        "feature-flags": false,
        "usability-test": false

UI Issues

The Starting Point URL input field in the Usability Test creation page is not responding to input. (cannot type anything)

Client implementation

import Tracker from "@openreplay/tracker";
import trackerAssist from "@openreplay/tracker-assist";

if (globalThis.$or === undefined) {
    const tracker = new Tracker({
        projectKey: import.meta.env.VITE_OR_KEY,
        ingestPoint: import.meta.env.VITE_OR_URL,
        DISABLE_SECURE_MODE: import.meta.env.VITE_LOCAL === "true",
        crossdomain: {
           enabled: true,


        userID: "",
    .finally(async () => {
        await tracker.reloadFlags();

    globalThis.$or = tracker;

Expected Behavior usability tests

  • URL input field should accept input
  • Tests should be available when enabled in UI
  • Server should return usability-test: true

Actual Behavior usability tests

  • URL input field is not responding
  • Server returns usability-test: false despite being enabled
  • Unable to create new tests


  1. Is this a known issue with the Community Edition?
  2. Are there any specific configuration requirements for these features?
  3. Are these features fully supported in the Community Edition?

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. I didn’t see any errors on the server or in the developer console, all services were launched successfully

Usability testing has been deprecated from v1.20.