I would like to capture the client side HTTP request and response in my session replays, but I noticed while configuring it in my Angular application that the network key does not exist on Tracker class in the @openreplay/tracker package. I followed the tutorial while installing it and this is the implementation in a nutshell
import Tracker from "@openreplay/tracker";
this.openReplayTracker = new Tracker({
projectKey: key,
obscureInputDates: false,
obscureInputEmails: false,
obscureTextNumbers: false,
obscureInputNumbers: false,
obscureTextEmails: false,
onStart: (info) => {
// If the environment version is in the list of non-prod versions, log the session ID
if (["dev", "test"].includes(environment.version)) {
console.info(`🔁 OpenReplay started with session ID: ${info.sessionID}!`);
userID: user.emailAddress,
metadata: {
id: user.id.toString(),
email: user.emailAddress,
userName: user.firstName + " " + user.lastName,
clientEntity: user.currentClientEntity.name,
language: user.language,
.then(() => {
When adding network to the Tracker options, I get the following error:
“Object literal may only specify known properties, and network does not exist in type Options”
Can anyone help me out?