How Can Event Tracking Be Optimized for Better User Insights?

Hello All,

I am working on integrating OpenReplay into our application to enhance our user experience & gain better insights into user behavior; While the setup has been fairly straightforward I am running into a few challenges with optimizing event tracking to ensure we capture the most relevant and actionable data.

Firstly What best practices do you follow to decide which events to track? There are any particular events or user actions that you have found to be particularly valuable for understanding user behavior?

How do you ensure that event tracking does not negatively impact the performance of your application??

what are some effective methods for analyzing this data to extract meaningful insights? Do you use any specific tools or techniques to generate reports that are helpful for decision making?? :thinking:

Also i have read this blog; witch help me alot still i need your suggestion

lastly What are some common pitfalls or mistakes to avoid when setting up event tracking with OpenReplay?

Thanks in advance for your time and assistanceā€¦!!